Services Offered by ADS Educational Consultants
Below is the list of services offered by Ashanti Diversified Services.
- Academic Testing
- Academic Advising
- Collaboration Services to Institutions
- Contract Locator
- Course Selection
- Educational Counselling
- Entrance Exams
- Financial Literacy Education
- Grant Locator
- Helps Parents/Students and Organizations with Educational Planning
- Office Supplies
Achieve your goals with expert education consulting
- Finding contracts for your business.
- Analysis of your student’s current Individual Education Plan (IEP) and troubleshooting. Parent preparation for the IEP school meeting. Attend the IEP meeting as a special education consultant to represent your student’s educational needs. Design of an IEP that is personalized for your child to bring to the IEP meeting for implementation.
- Curriculum guidance for home-schooled special education students. Develop a custom plan aligned to your objectives. Equip educators with professional learning and coaching. Expertise of former educators and training professionals
Services available by on-site arrangement, in office, or by video conferencing